East Baltimore Church of God is associated with the Church of God who's headquarters are located in Cleveland, TN. We are a full gospel, Pentecostal church. We operate in the gifts of the Spirit and preach the Word of God without compromise.
The East Baltimore Church of God initially began in 1955 under the leadership of Rev. Lounita Hammonds, a Native American Minister from Lumberton, North Carolina. It was known among the community as the "Upper Room" because of its location above Gordon's Cleaners on Baltimore and Wolfe Street. Pastor Hammonds moved back to North Carolina around 1960 which allowed Brother Haywood Johnson to become the new pastor at East Baltimore Church of God. From there, the church moved to 1700 East Baltimore Street in 1961. Because we continued to grow, the church found itself at 2043 East Baltimore Street, just three blocks from it's former location.
On June 23, 1991, Bishop Robert Dodson assumed the pastorate of the East Baltimore Church of God and in November of 2004, we made 800 Oldham Street our new home.
On October 9, 2022, we celebrated a new chapter as the East Baltimore Church of God officially transferred to the new name Charm City Church of God.
Our message is simple. Love God. Love people. Preach Jesus. We want everyone to know that there is a God that radically loves them and radically wants to change their life. God loves us with a crazy love and everyday is a bonus. We believe that God isn't finished with Baltimore. He has a plan and a purpose for our city and we believe He wants to release revival here and all across our nation so people can experience His heart, His purpose, and His Kingdom.
http://www.cogdelmarvadc.com https://churchofgod.org